Personally I think it is a sign of not being properly prepared if you fail the driving test for something as simple as not checking your right blind spot when moving off, but more importantly you should be getting a refund from your driving instructor for not doing his/her job properly because this should be a habit that should have been drilled into you from the first day they met you for a lesson (unless of course you ignored their advice and would rather believe a friend, colleague or family member who advised you that this is not important)!
The only time I ever let a learner driver pull off or continue with a maneuver after stopping without taking effective observations is during the first 15 minutes of an assessment driving lesson, after that we start working on developing the habit of always checking that right blind spot before moving into the road.
Now dont blame the driving examiner for being harsh on you, it is up to you meet the requirements of the test (it is a test afterall). More importantly when you get your full UK driving licence you don't want to be involved in a serious accident that could have been avoided if only you had taken effective observations and not assumed there was nothing there because you had only just pulled up on the left, or didn't hear anything.
Passing the driving test is only the first step in being a safe driver, everyday in the UK, someone is injured in a car accident that could have been avoided, it costs just second or two to take effective observations, and could not only save a life, but maybe even reduce your car insurance premiums as your no claims bonus accumulates.
If you require high quality driving lessons from a very helpful, patient and fully qualified instructor, then why not call or send me a text message on 07956233032
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