A very important tip for anyone who wants to pass the driving test is to know what their weaknesss are, acknowledge them and seek professional advice on how to deal with them and work hard at correcting them.
One of my pupils took a driving test at Hendon and failed with a serious error on junctions, there were 4 other driving errors. The candidate was a foreign driving licence owner so was competent at driving a car, but was not patient at junctions, I explained the importance of being 100% sure it was safe to emerge at a t-junction and if there was any doubt as to if it was safe or not, to wait.
During the test, on approach to a T Junction to turn left during the independent driving element, the pupil was approaching a bit fast, saw some cars coming from the right, with the lead vehicle indicating left, started to go, but for some reason changed their mind and stopped but had crossed the Give Way line, forcing the other cars to go round us.
On the debrief, the candidate's excuse was that they had a limited view to the right, and were trying to peep, to which the examiner countered but you didn't stop at the give way first! I have mentioned this before, habits don't die easily, so taking a 2 hour driving lesson one day before the DSA practical car test is not going to guarantee you pass first time.
If you don't trust your driving instructor and think he/she is critising your skills just to get more lessons from you, then change, but it is critical that you deal with any faults as it only takes one driving error to fail.
If you require high quality driving lessons from a very helpful, patient and fully qualified instructor, then why not call or send me a text message on 07956233032
Thinking about becoming an instructor? Don't just make a decision based on the red driving school TV advertisement, do the proper research and know all the instructor training options available to you.
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More Driving Test Advice
Learning to Drive in the UK.
Learn the Parallel Parking exercise.
Driving course to avoid points on Licence.
Extended Driving Test.
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