There are many people out there driving a car on a provisional licence unsupervised and without displaying 'L' plates.
You might want to justify yourself by saying that driving lessons are expensive, the DSA examiner keeps failing me for no reason, but the truth is, you have no excuse for breaking the law.
So if you are a confident driver that can go anywhere without requiring any supervision, what is stopping you from taking the driving test and being a legal driver? Passing the theory test isn't usually a problem, as it is available in many languages, costs only £31 (May 2011), and you can practise and memorise the questions and answers at little cost to you. So the real issue is the practical driving test!
I have already mentioned the 2 most common reasons why people drive unsupervised, so let's have a look and see what can be done about them.
1. Driving Lessons cost. Now if you are already driving alone on a provisional licence, you don't necessarilly need a driving instructor, because you have most of the skills expected by the examiner. What you however need is knowledge and practise of what is required to pass the driving test. In this modern age of the internet, there are articles and videos freely available that can teach you everything you need to know right from how to move off safely, carry out test maneuvers all the way to independent driving and what to expect on the day of the practical driving test. So claiming that the cost of lessons stops you from learning will not do, as you already have a car, and with a little effort you can find out how to do things the DSA way, all you need is find someone to supervise you!
Even if you can't find a suitable driver to supervise you, you are already breaking the law, so at least practise the right way, and go take the test.
2. Driving Examiner keeps failing me. The only reason you failed is because you commited a serious fault, not doing things at the DSA standard, the DL25 report you have given has notes that tell you exactly what is required, and if you do some basic research on the internet you will find all the information you need. Bad driving habits are usually the main reason for serious faults, especailly if you drive alone on a provisional licence, since you don't have anyone assessing your skills, and your main criteria is that you always get from A to B irrespective of the near misses and number of times other road users had to take evassive action to avoid potential danger.
If you are waiting till you get caught by the police in their ANPR car, and get banned from driving or points on a licence, then you will eventually have to pay. Also you are one of the people who is contributing to high car insurance costs because you are not covered on a provisional licence if driving alone and not displaying 'L' plates even if you have a vaild policy!
If you require high quality driving lessons from a very helpful, patient and fully qualified instructor, then why not call or send me a text message on 07956233032
Thinking about becoming an instructor? Don't just make a decision based on the red driving school TV advertisement, do the proper research and know all the ADI training options available to you.
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More Reading
Learning to drive steps.
Avoiding penalty points on licence.
Driving Lessons in Kilburn NW6.
I guess for me it's not because driving supervised on provisional license is costly, it's just that you get more confidence on the road while unsupervised. Some try it (I did too) not to break the law but to learn how to pass the test because when you get to that dreaded test, you are not supervised at all.