In a previous driving article posted on this website, I mentioned the fact that I was one of those Approved Driving Instructors (ADI) that was required to take the Hazard Perception Test to remain on the DSA's official register of fully qualified instructors, and thus continue to be able to receive money as a reward for teaching a learner to drive.
Well after many months of putting it off, and playing driving test games, I today went to a theory test centre, and took the hazard perception test for Approved Driving Instructors.
The test is similar to the hazard perception test taken by learner drivers, with 14 clips used, containing 15 scorable hazards, and a maximum of 5 points available for each hazard. The only major difference being that the pass score for the ADI test is 57 out of 75 as opposed to 44 out of 75 for the learner driver.
Well after about 25 minutes of tense moments, I came out the test centre with a PASS.
61 out of 75.
So now I don't have to worry about the threat to have me removed from the ADI register. I still see no reason for the requirement, and don't agree with forcing qualified ADI's to do it, but then I've done it.
The only advise I can offer any driving instructor that has not done the test yet, is to contact the DSA and request for a copy of the DVD 'Are you ready', this gives a detailed explanation of the test, and should help with passing this computer based theory assessment.
All the best to the rest of the ADI's yet to take the test, though I'm sure there will be some who will not have taken the test by the official DSA deadline of December 2006.
Recommended Driving Test Product
If you are in the UK, you might be interested in Focus Media's Driving Test simulator for the PC, which has a virtual driving test simulator, and was the product that I used to practise for my exam and pass.
More Reading
ADI Training Pay as You Go.
Driving instructor check test.
I suggest that ADIs go to the road safety page of this website I have discovered: and look at the professional/expert views on this computer game called "Test"