You might have learnt all the test maneovers and are no longer stalling the car, but does that mean you are ready for the DSA UK driving test?
This driving instructor video asks you a few questions about junctions which is the most common serious driver error DSA examiners fail candidates on.
A lot of very good drivers fail because they are not familiar with the DSA test parameters or the way they are expected to deal with situations. I keep recommending the highway code (available from amazon on the left) to people preparing for the test, spending a few minutes each day going through this £2 book could save you a lot of money when it comes to passing.
Are you ready to pass the UK driving test?
If you require high quality affordable driving lessons from a very helpful, patient and fully qualified instructor, then why not call or send me a text message on 07956233032
Thinking about becoming an instructor? Don't just make a decision based on the red driving school TV advertisement, do the proper research and know all the ADI training options available to you.
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Passing DSA driving test is not difficult if prepare thoroughly and avoid mistakes during the exam.